Data from: A survey of risk tolerance to multiple sclerosis therapies
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Objective: To determine tolerance to various risk scenarios associated with current MS therapies. Methods: People with MS from the North American Research Committee on Multiple Sclerosis (NARCOMS) Registry's online cohort and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society were invited to complete a questionnaire on tolerance to real-world risks associated with a hypothetical therapy. Multiple risks levels were presented including, skin rash, infection, kidney injury, thyroid injury, liver injury, and PML. Results: Both progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) and kidney injury had lowest risk tolerance at 1:1,000,000 and thyroid and infection risks had highest tolerance at 1:1,000. Males, younger age and participants with greater disability reported a higher tolerance to all risk scenarios. Those that were currently taking a MS therapy reported higher tolerance than those not taking any therapy. Participants taking infusion therapies reported high tolerance to all risks and those taking injectables reported a lower tolerance. Conclusion: People with MS displayed a wide range of RT for MS therapies. Our study identified sex, age, disability and current DMT use to be associated with RT.
decision making, NARCOMS Registry, : Multiple Sclerosis, disease modifying therapy, Risk Tolerance
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