Data from: An international, multi-stakeholder survey about metadata awareness, knowledge, and use in scholarly communications
Author ORCID
Laura Paglione 0000-0003-3188-6273
Kathryn Kaiser 0000-0002-6258-4369
Michelle Urberg 0000-0002-2748-811X
Maria Johnsson 0000-0001-6650-359X
Jennifer Kemp 0000-0003-4086-3196
Publication Date
The Metadata 2020 initiative is an ongoing effort to bring various scholarly communications stakeholder groups together to promote principles and standards of practice to improve the quality of metadata. To understand the perspectives and practices of the main stakeholder groups (librarians, publishers, researchers and repository managers) regarding metadata, the Metadata 2020 Researcher Communications Project Group conducted a survey in the summer of 2019. The survey content was generated by representatives from the stakeholder groups who are active in this Metadata 2020 project.
This dataset contains the excel spreadsheet with all of the raw, unanalyzed responses of the survey that was distributed, following IRB approval, to a broad number of communities. The questions were answered by participants self-identifying as researchers, publishers, librarians, and repository managers. The purpose of these questions was to assess how metadata is understood by stakeholders in the scholarly communications life cycle. To the designers' best knowledge, no other survey had previously attempted to analyze knowledge about, and perceptions of metadata associated with publication. The survey was conceived as a primary output by the Metadata 2020 Researcher Communications Project and the survey instrument was developed with the assistance of stakeholder groups active in Metadata 2020.
Complete responses are included among the four stakeholder groups: librarians, researchers, repository managers, and publishers. Each stakeholder group is represented with its own tab. In addition, one tab contains all of the responses, another the demographics for the survey. The responses in these tabs may include incomplete responses. Two other tabs contain comparisons of how each stakeholder group has self-prioritized metadata fields and metadata schema.
Links to survey questions and analyzed data can be found in the supplemental materials.
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CC0 1.0 Universal - No copyright; this work is in the public domain
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This data is public domain under the CC-0.0 License