College of Arts & Sciences ETDs
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The Effects Of Pain Catastrophizing And Hiv-Related Stigma On Pain Sensitivity In Persons Living With Hiv (Plwh), Michael Alexander Owens
Ritual, Self-Defense, And Territoriality At The Rock Art Site Of Chaturbhujnath Nala, Jennefer Celeste Paxton
"Did She Have a Precursor?": The Intertextuality of Fitzgerald's Tender Is the Night and Nabokov's Lolita, Allie Rabon Pennington
Cftr Snp Accumulation In The Context Of Evolutionary Fitness, Zackery Ezekiel Plyler
Cognitive Correlates Of Driving Behavior In Older Adults With Hiv, Caitlin Northcutt Pope
Enhancing Rating-Prediction by Incorporating User Concerns Discovered from User Reviews, Ligaj Pradhan
Thermodynamics And Kinetics Of Gel-Sol And Liquid-Liquid Phase Transitions: Effects Of Solid Surfaces And Nanoconfinement, Jennifer Rachel Prado
The Effects Of Incubation Environment On The Phenotype Of Hatchling Turtles: Implications For Ecology, Evolution, And Conservation, Taylor Matthew Roberge
Indirect Interactions Affect the Dynamics of Multidrug Resistance Proteins and Sortase A, Bryan C. Roessler
Mathematical Modeling of Brain Tumors Advances Patient Care, Oncogenesis, and the Use of In Silico Clinical Trials, Elizabeth Yates Scribner
The role of cognitive reserve in recovery from traumatic brain injury, Kayla Steward
Substance Abuse Stigma And Engagement In HIV Care: A Mixed Methods Investigation, Kristi Lynn Stringer
A Black Girl's Song, Marie A. Sutton
An Investigation of the Neurobiological Heterogeneity in Autism, ADHD, and Typical Development, Melissa Thye
Morse Theory in Finite Dimensions, William Smith Tidwell
Antiseptic, Elizabeth Ann Tompkins
Effects Of A Cooking Program On Social Skills, Adaptive Functioning, And Dietary Behavior Of Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Eva Phui Phui Trinh
Delivery Of Deoxyribonucleic Acids As Drugs: A Structural Study, Encapsulation, And Controlled Release Of G-Quadruplex Forming Deoxyoligonucleotides Of The Human Telomeric Sequence, Brenna Alyssa Tucker
Familial Support And Mental Health Service Use: Differences Among First- And Second-Generation Asian American And Latino Older Adults, Jessica Lynn Valles
Blackbird in Flight, Holly Watson
Kinetic Mechanisms Of Atp-Dependent Disaggregating Motors Escherichia Coli Clpb And Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Hsp104, Clarissa Lynn Weaver
From Despised Temporary Governor to First Elected Governor of Louisiana: The Vindication of William Charles Cole Claiborne, Stephanie Keller Womack
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Entanglement in Disordered Quantum XY Chains, Houssam Abdul Rahman
Elucidating the Role of the Pro-Survival to Pro-Death Molecular Switch in the IRE1a Signaling Pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana, Marie Vollmer Alexander
Pattern Formation and Semilinear Evolution Equations in Function Spaces, Kwadwo Antwi-Fordjour
Parental Acculturation And Adolescent Depression, Serra Sevde Aydogan
Racial Segregation: Slum Clearance and Urban Renewal in Birmingham, Alabama, 1950-1960, Michael Barrett
Meta-analysis of cognitive performance in fibromyalgia, Tyler Reed Bell
Evaluating Driving Performance Of Adolescents And Young Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders Around Social And Non-Social Hazards, Haley Johnson Bishop
1,1-Diamino-2,2-Dinitroethylene (Fox-7) Under High Pressure-Temperature, Matthew Marc Bishop
Latin American Immigration to the Deep South: Community Responses in Birmingham Metro Area, AL (1995-2010), Nadejda Bontcheva-Loyaga
Clustering Phish Using The Simple Set Comparison Tool, Jason Robert Britt
Sea urchins under predicted near-future ocean conditions: the effects of ocean warming and acidification on physiology and behavior, Cecilia Joy Brothers
Mending rural America: Disaster recovery in small municipalities, Marybrook Burchfield
Primary Visual Cortex And Plasticity Following Central Vision Loss, Wesley K. Burge
Conceptualizations of Health and Health Communication by Clergy in Jefferson County, Alabama: A Qualitative Exploration, Anthony David Campbell
Differential effects of short-term morphine treatment on brain volumes of men and women with low back pain, Kelsey Campbell
Design Of Layer-By-Layer Shaped Microparticles For Controlled Drug Delivery, Jun Chen
The Spinning Thread, Halley Marie Cotton
Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy Of Two-Dimensional Electron Gasses At High Magnetic Fields, Jeremy Alan Curtis
Calcium Carbonate Composition And Other Measures Of Vulnerability Of The Skeletons And Shells Of Echinoderms And Gastropods Challenged By Ocean Acidification Or Climate Warming, Ashley Duquette Douglas
Targeting Voltage Gated Sodium Channels for Prevention of Breast Cancer Metastasis, Shilpa Dutta
Symbols of Independence, Love, and Sorrow: Georgia O'Keeffe's Skyscraper Series, Kelly Allen Gentry
The (Non)Tragic Passing of Rena Walden: Black Female Agency in Charles Chesnutt's The House Behind the Cedars, Sarah Emily Goggans
Cultural and Gender Differences in Child Abuse Risk in African American and White Expectant Mothers and Fathers, Anjali Gowda
Emotion Socialization And Emotional Functioning In Late Adolescence And Emerging Adulthood, Jinhong Guo
Toward a Scalable, Transactional, Fault-Tolerant Message Passing Interface for Petascale and Exascale Machines, Amin Hassani
Changes In Quality Of Life Following Substance Use Disorder Treatment For Mentally Ill Homeless Individuals, Lauren Hayes