College of Arts & Sciences ETDs
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
American Options and Semilinear Parabolic Partial Differential Equations in Weighted Sobolev Spaces., Terrence K. Muthoka
Dihydrofolate Reductase Inhibitors - Applications To Chagas Disease And Dental Caries, Thao Nguyen
Coevolution of Sponges and Microbial Symbionts Across Ocean Basins, Zachary Lee Nolen
The Role of Ih in 4-Aminopyridine Induced Epileptiform Activity, Steven Patrick Palladino
Biology, Ecology, And Conservation Of Hatchling And Post-Hatchling Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys Terrapin Pileata), Tandy Dolin Petrov
Coping with Chronic Illness: Temporal Patterns of Spiritual Coping and Adjustment among Adolescents with Chronic Illness, Nina Cole Reynolds
Neuropathology of Dopamine Systems in Schizophrenia: Regional Dopamine Pathologies in the Substantia Nigra/Ventral Tegmental Area Complex, Matthew Warner Rice
White Matter Integrity In Adults With Hemiparetic Multiple Sclerosis Given Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy, Tyler Rickards
Finding Bands in Optical Coherence Tomography Images using Curve and Function Fitting, Douglas Howard Ross
Longleaf, John Saad
Genetic And Epigenetic Changes Regulated By Bioactive Molecules In Cancer Therapeutics, Sabita Saldanha
Ecology And Physiology Of Antarctic Macrophytes Under The Influence Of Abiotic And Biotic Stressors., Kathryn M. Schoenrock
Devitrification Of Iron Based Metallic Glasses At High Pressures And High Temperatures, Andrew Kevin Stemshorn
Neuroplastic Change in Adults with Hemiparetic Multiple Sclerosis Following Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy, Chelsey Sterling
"Duty for To-day, Hope for the Morrow": Alexander Crummell's Communitarian Ideal, Jennifer E. Stitt
The Conservation Of The Western Pacific Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys Coriacea) At Bird'S Head Peninsula, Papua Barat, Indonesia, Ricardo F. Tapilatu
My Life In Pop Culture: A Journey Through My Past In Essay Form, Mark Trammell
Phase Transitions And Anomalous Compressibility In 1-2-2 Fe-Based Superconductors, Walter O. Uhoya
Post-Release Job Training And Enhanced Access To Employment Opportunities For Released Offenders: Incentives To Reducing Recidivism, Emmanuel Etim Umoh
Integrated Functioning of the Mirror Neuron System and Its Role in Imitation Deficits in Autism, Heather Wadsworth
Print vs. Pulpit: Representations of Religion in the Harlem Renaissance, Sondra Bickham Washington
Combined Effects Of Corexit Ec 9500A With Secondary Abiotic And Biotic Stressors In The Rotifer Brachionus Plicatilis, Michael Britt Williams
The Bear and the Tiger: Decoding Attitudes and Anxieties towards Nature through A.A. Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh in Post-WWI Britain, Joanna Catherine Wilson
Skeletal Muscle Stem Cell Function Following Burn Injury, Katie Leigh Wilson
Using Computers And The Internet: The Experiences Of Older, Vicki P. Winstead
Nonlinear Optical Characterizations Of Bithiophenes With Phosphorus Containing Substituents, Yuanli Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
The Flow of the Social: Developing a Constructal Systemic Approach to the Study of Health Inequalities, William A. Anderson
Psychological Effects of Spiritually Integrated Therapy for Infertile Women, Shiquina Andrews
Implications Of Hatchling Sex Ratios And Survival In The Recovery Program For The Endangered Kemp'S Ridley Sea Turtle, Elizabeth Bevan
The Molecular Basis of Male Sex Determination During Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination, Kayla Bieser
Resonances and Inverse Scattering, Matthew Bledsoe
Regulatory Mechanisms Of Pathogen-Mediated Cellular Stress Signaling In Arabidopsis Thaliana, Jon Lucas Boatwright
Characterization of Legal Highs and their Pyrolysis Products, Emily Denise Bouso
The Pusillanimous Denis: What "U.p: up" Really Breens, Leah Harper Bowron
Effects of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) and switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) intercropping techniques on intermittent stream macroinvertebrate communities, Kelly L. Breland
Socioeconomic Status, Social Relationships, and Higher Weight Status, Anthony David Campbell
Reckless Reevaluated: Containment Theory and its Ability to Explain Desistance Among Serious Adolescent Offenders, Stephanie Michelle Cardwell
An investigation of the sublethal effects of carbon dioxide on the common sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus and the carbonate chemistry of its nearshore habitat, Roberta Challener
Spectral Properties of Random Block Operators, Jacob Chapman
Targeting Ovarian Cancer Through Epigallocatechin Gallate and Sulforaphane Combinational Treatment, Huaping Chen
Identification Of Staphylococcus Aureus Sortase A Inhibitors As Potential Antibacterial Agents, Bala Chandra Chenna
Cortical Thickness in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment and Its Relationships with Neuropsychological Functioning and Financial Capacity, Jacquelynn Nicosia Copeland
The Effects of Sleep Restriction on Adolescents' Pedestrian Safety, Aaron Leah Davis
Pain in the Everyday: Torture and Imprisonment in the Works of Harold Pinter, Kacey Gill Davis
Assessing Sociometric Status and Impacts of Behavior Problems in Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Sarah Ellen Edwards Leger
Eight Days in Oak Lake, Cyndi Eubanks