College of Arts & Sciences ETDs
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Comparison of the Lenstar Optical Biometer and A-scan Ultrasonography to Measure Ocular Components, Drew W. Gann
Predictors of Physical Activity in Child and Adolescent Survivors of Cancer, Margaux Barnes Gilliam
Straight Through the Middle: Notes from my Journey, Nancy Rutland Glaub
Suicide And Eating Disorders: The Role Of Religiosity, Spirituality And Religious Coping Style, Natalie Goodwin
Eye Gaze Patterns During Live Social Interactions in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Michael Warren Gower
The Bus Transit System in Birmingham: A Rider's Approach, Jennifer Elaine Harrell
Kitten Has Claws: The Feminine, the Feline, and the Threat of the New Woman in Cecilia Beaux's "Sita and Sarita", Alexa Hayes
Asset-Based Citizen Development: A Theoretical Contribution, Rachel Marie Hicks
Oak Hill Cemetery: A Reflection of Early Birmingham, 1871-1913, Terri L. Hicks
The Fireball Brothers: A Novel, Michael David Hornbuckle
Acoustical Analysis Of Trained And Untrained Singers Onsite Before And After Prolonged Voice Use, Christophe E. Jackson
The Link Between Pharmaceutical Spam and Illicit Online Pharmacies, Brandi L. Jefferson
Homoepitaxial Deposition of Boron-doped Single Crystal Diamond, Sunil Kumar Lal Karna
Predictors of Falls Among Older Adults, Jaspreet Kaur
Optical And Electrical Characterization Of Transition Metal Doped Ii-Vi Mid-Ir Laser Materials, Tetyana Konak
Microbial Responses To Mc252 In Gulf Of Mexico Sediments Using Btefap And Bioinformatics Tools, Hyunmin Koo
Small perturbations in hard balls dynamics, Alexey Korepanov
Parenting and Parole: The Effects of Incarceration on Motherhood, Latoya Ledyard
Immunoprotection Versus Immunopathogenesis Associated With Aspergillus Fumigatus Exposure, Lauren Lilly
Substrate recognition and translocation catalyzed by AAA+ chaperones, Tao Li
From Family Violence to Dating Violence: Testing the Dual Pathway Model, Anjana Madan
Re-Visioning Composition: Exploring How Creative Nonfiction Might Invigorate Composition Studies, Melba Major
Temp, Callie Gartrell Mauldin
Non-Random Mutations in Yeast: An Examination of Yeast Genetics during Selection Cycling, Christopher McAtee
Science of Sleep: Tracing the Visual Language of Dreams from Fuseli to Gondry, Bethany McClellan
Cooking with Caste Iron: Food System Modernization in Birmingham, 1910-1964, Thomas Carl McLemore
An Examination of the Molecular Mechanism of E. coli ClpAP Catalyzed Polypeptide Translocation, Justin Mark Miller
The Effectiveness of a Behavioral Summer Treatment Program for Children with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder, Elisabeth Sheridan Mitchell
The Effects of Extremes of pH on the Growth and Transcriptomic Profiles of Three Haloarchaea, Aida Moran-Reyna
Making Room for a Restorative Response to Conflict: Challenging the Retributive Paradigm in American Journalism, Cynthia Duggan Mwenja
Frequency of Exercise Training's Effect on Psychological Outcomes in Older Women, William Neumeier
Computational Studies On Metal Bound Amyloid-ß Peptide Complexes: Implications For Oligomerization, Lurong Pan
Understanding the Relation between Routines and Problem Behaviors in Children with Clinical Diagnoses, Mark Ryan Pennick
Non-Random SNP Formation and Contextual Bias within Murine and Hominid Genomes, Zackery Ezekiel Plyler
Plant selection, community dynamics, ecophysiology, and stormwater mitigation on green roofs in the southeastern U.S., Julie G. Price
Laminations and the Dynamics of Iterated Cubic Polynomials, Ross Ptacek
Epigenetic regulation of hippocampus-dependent learning, Laura Qadri
External Aid And Its Effectiveness In The Reconstruction And Development Of Afghanistan - An Analysis Of The Years 2002-2014, Muneeb Raqeebi
The Implications of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act for U.S. Bureaucracies, Brennan Anderson Reeves
Characterization of Emergent Spatial-Temporal Orders in Transcription Regulatory Networks using Phase Locking Analysis, Herbert Keith Roberts
High Frequency Resolution Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy, Bagvanth Reddy Sangala
The Relationship Between Inflammatory Biomarkers and Cognitive Function in Older Adults, Andrea C. Sartori
An Examination Of The Feeding Preferences Of The Freshwater Amphipod Hyalella Azteca For Aquatic Vascular Plants And Macro Algae: The Potential Roles Of Prey Nutrional Quality, Chemical And/Or Structural Defenses, Kevin Emmanuel Scriber
Neural Substrates That Mediate Learning-Related Changes In The Emotional Response To A Threat, Joshua Richard Shumen
Characterization of the retina in the alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor knockout mouse, Marci Lynn Smith
Lightweight Data Location Services for Exascale Storage Systems, Zhiwei Sun