All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Gary Peters

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Education (EdD) School of Education


THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND LEADERSHIP STYLES IN SCHOOL PRINCIPALS EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP ABSTRACT This quantitative research study was designed to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership styles among principals and assistant principals in two districts located in central Alabama. There were 75 schools included. Seventy-two administrators participated. The surveys gauged the administrator’s emotional intelligence and leadership style. The emotional intelligence survey was designed by Daniel Goleman. The leadership style survey was designed by Peter Northouse. The participants also answered questions concerning their age, administrative experience and gender. After the surveys were returned, the data was entered into SPSS to determine the correlation and mean scores among the constructs. The study revealed that the participants scored highest on the emotional intelligence characteristic of self-awareness. Participants had the highest scores on the leadership style of democratic. Participant scored the lowest on the emotional intelligence characteristic of self-management and the leadership style of authoritarian. This research establishes a framework for future research to study the relationships between the constructs of emotional intelligence and leadership styles. Keywords: emotional intelligence, leadership styles, school principals

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