All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

Dennis Keith Gurley

Advisory Committee Members

Boyd Rogan

Michael Wyss

Gary Peters

Amy Dagley

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Doctor of Education (EdD) School of Education


EXAMINING TEACHER PERCEPTIONS OF PROFESSIONAL LEARNING TEAMS AND TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM This study explores the perceptions of teachers’ professionalism as they participate in professional learning teams. Through a qualitative lens, teacher perceptions of how their own professionalism (as indicated by the Professionalism Index by McMahon & Hoy, 2009) is influenced or affected as a result of their participation in a PLT were examined from the perspective of teachers that fell into three categories, those teachers that scored high on the Professionalism Index, those teachers that scored low on the Professionalism Index and those teachers that had a medium score on the Professionalism Index. This study concluded teachers grow in their self-perceived levels of professionalism as they participate in Professional Learning Teams if they fully participate in a PLT with a mindset to work toward self-improvement of their own professionalism as well as the professionalism of the team. Keywords. professional learning team, teacher professionalism, Professionalism Index

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Education Commons



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