All ETDs from UAB

Advisory Committee Chair

David L Littlefield

Advisory Committee Members

Jong-Eun Kim

Talat Salama

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name by School

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME) School of Engineering


Multi-material Eulerian formulations in computational structural mechanics are traditionally approached using mixed-element thermodynamic or constitutive models. These traditional approaches replace contacting materials in an element with an equivalent, single material. However, this approximation often has little basis in the actual physics taking place at the contacting boundary. This work presents a significant departure from traditional Eulerian contact models by solving the conservation equations in each material separately and then imposing inequality constraints associated with contact to the solutions for each material with the appropriate traction integrals included. The advantages of this method are demonstrated with several computational examples. This work will conclude by drawing a comparison between the current method and traditional treatment of multi-material contact in Eulerian frameworks.

Included in

Engineering Commons



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