College of Arts & Sciences ETDs
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
The Function Of Tgfβr3 (Betaglycan) In The Differentiation And Proliferation Of T Cells, Samuel Duesman
Thermodynamics And Kinetics Of Sol-Gel Transition: Effects Of Nanoconfinement, Maria Alejandra Espinosa
Validation of 2-Methylethcathinone, 3-Methylethcathinone, and 4-Methylethcathinone, Tara Federico
The Effects of Pubertal Timing on Psychosocial Outcomes in Adulthood, Marlon Goering
Pulsed Laser Deposition of Iron Selenide Heterostructures Guided by Laser-Plasma Simulations and Experiments, Sumner Bently Harris
The Role Of Visa Status And Acculturation In The Health Of Us Immigrants, Serra Sevde Hatipoglu
The Effects Of A Social Skills Intervention On Neural Processing In Autism Spectrum Disorder, Abbey Jane Herringshaw
Stress, Inflammation, and Mood: A Role for Leptin?, Kathleen Hodgin
Kinetic Mechanism Investigations of Nucleotide Addition Catalyzed by RNA Polymerase I and II, Zachariah M. Ingram
Predictors Of Subjective And Objective Everyday Functioning In Middle-Aged And Older Adults With Hiv, Alexandra Elaine Jacob
On the Security and Usability of New Paradigms of Web Authentication, Mohammed Jubur
Laser Spectroscopy, Amplification, And Laser Properties Of Fe:Znse Mid-Ir Gain Media Under Er:Yag Laser Excitation, Krishna Karki
Understanding and Improving the Police Response to Suspected Cases of Human Trafficking, Lekendra Kidd
Destiny in the Details: Jacopo Zucchi's Ages as Ferdinando I de' Medici's Astrological Natal Chart, Molly Claire Kinstler
From Deviance to Disease: How Congress Frames Opioid Use, 1994-2019, Stephanie Kirkland
Examining Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Social Distancing on Children and Their Play and Social Development, Jenni Koehler
Review of Inmate Litigation Challenging the Constitutionality of Solitary Confinement, Kaelyn Little
Japonisme and Modernity in Thirty-Six Views of the Eiffel Tower by Henri Riviere, Yen-Hua Liu
Japonisme and Modernity in Thirty-Six Views of the Eiffel Tower by Henri Riviere, Yen-Hua Liu
Hurricanes and Heart Problems: Natural Disaster, Social Capital, and Cardiovascular Mortality, Zachary H. McCann
Cutting the Lilies, Olivia A. McMurrey
Correlates of Early Adversity in Children and Adolescents: Examining the Interrelatedness of Aggression, Post-Traumatic Stress, and Suicidal Behaviors, Elizabeth McRae
Sites of Memory in Lao PDR: The Role of Tourism in Post-Conflict Reconciliation Processes, Angela Morgan
Pride In Policing: Perspectives of LGBTQ Police Officers, Tyler Nixon
High-Pressure Phase Diagram of Ferromagnetic Superconductor EU(FE0.75RU0.25)2AS2, Zachary Taylor Nix
The Two Marys in Bruges: Images of the Virgin and Child over the Cityscape and the Reign of Mary of Burgundy, Meagan Daughtry Bailey Oates
The Relationships Fathers Have With Their Co-Residential Adult Children With Developmental Disabilities: A Qualitative Exploration Of Fatherhood And Masculinity, Kirsten Leigh Ostergren Clark
An Investigation Of Endogenous Pain Modulation And Inflammatory Biomarkers In Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain, Demario Overstreet
Examining the Viability of Native American Stickball as a Comprehensive Indigenous Peace System, Edison Doyle Pearce
Psychosocial Risk and Resiliency Factors for Pain Severity among African Americans with Chronic Low Back Pain, Terence Matthew Penn
Inflammation, Executive Function, And Adiposity In Children With Or At Risk For Obesity, Kathryn L. Prendergast
Keller-Segel Type Chemotaxis Model: Asymptotic Behavior Of The Small Data Solution, Jean D. Rugamba
Tensor Completion and Total Variation Denoising and Deblurring in Tensor Spaces, Fatoumata Sanogo
Balanced Placebo Design with Varenicline: Pharmacological and Expectancy Effects on Medication Adherence, Samantha Schiavon
Functions of Drosophila HP1 Proteins in Transcriptional Regulation, John Schoelz
Embodied Fat Stigma and Health Beliefs About Exercise and Diet, Brie Scrivner
Horizontal Curve Negotiation in Drivers With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder, Gabriela M. Sherrod
Examining Approaches for Peacebuilding in Post-conflict, Post-Good Northern Ireland, Evan Wiley Smith
The Kinetic Effects Of Nanoconfinement, Aggregate Phase Type, And Pressure On Some Thermally Stimulated Processes, Victoria Lynn Stanford
An Investigation Into The Effects Of Diet On Pain And Pain Disparities, Larissa Jane Strath
Characterization Of Color Centers In Diamond For Laser Applications, Shova Devi Subedi
Examining The Trends Of Craft Beer Legislation In The U.S., Erica Techo
Caregiving And Depressive Symptomatology: Multi-National Testing Of Role Strain Theory, Jessica Valles
Cubic Symmetric Laminations, Sandeep chowdary Vejandla
Point-Of-Interest Recommendation Systems In Location-Based Social Networks, Orhun Vural
Driving Attitudes and Avoidance of Drivers with ASD or ADHD, William P. Wagner
Effects Of Chemical Dispersant (Corexit® Ec9500A) On Gill Structure And Function, And The Associated Crustacean Hyperglycemic Hormone Mediated Stress Response In The Blue Crab (Callinectus Sapidus), Amanda Christine Weiner
Importance Of The Zebrafish Model For Understanding Nutrition, Michael Britt Williams