School of Public Health ETDs
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Three Studies on Family Meals: Examining the Predictors of Family Meals and its Impact on Adolescent Health, Samantha Sittig Goldfarb
Interaction between a Low-Iron Diet and Early-Life Methylmercury Exposure in Daphnia pulex, Sherri Hudson
The Small Sample Inferences Of Cluster-Randomized Trials, Peng Li
Relationship between diabetes and indoor air pollution: An exploratory analysis, Sandeep Mishra
Promoting Worksite Stair Use by Launching the "Stepping Up" Campaign, Lynne A. Obiaka
The Effect of Medicaid Dental Coverage on Dental Care Utilization Among Older Americans, Ahyuda Oh
Power Issues And Internal Pilot Designs For Cluster-Randomized Trials With Unequal Cluster Sizes, Ashutosh Ranjan
Molecular Profiling in Cervical Carcinogenesis and Progression, Kathryn Elizabeth Royse
Effects Of Early Life Exposure To Methylmercury On Predator Response In Daphnia Pulex, Megan Lisa Steed
Socio-Demographic Characteristics, Medical Indications, and Perinatal Outcomes Associated with Interventional Early Term Delivery, Kelley Swatzell
Association of Blood Pressure Phenotypes with Kidney Disease, Rikki M. Tanner
Evaluation Of Environmental Factors And Dengue Fever In Sri Lanka Using Geospatial Tools, Meghan Tipre
An Evaluation Of Sample Size Re-Estimation Adaptive Designs And Delayed-Start Designs For Alzheimer'S Disease Trials, Guoqiao Wang
A Mixed Methods Study Of Health Literacy And Its Role In Hpv Vaccine Uptake Among College Students, Michelle Sharonda Williams
Statistical Analysis In Genomic Studies, Guodong Wu
Statistical Methods for Set-Based Association Tests in Genetic Studies, Qi Yan
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
The Relationship Of Maternal Depressive Symptoms Among First Time Adolescent And Adult Mothers And Their Safe Parenting Practices And Child Injuries, Angela Warren Baumann
Comparison Of Fabricated Carbon Nanotube Sorbent Felts And 3M Charcoal Sorbent Wafers To Assess Passive Sampling, Samantha Connell
Predictors of Colorectal Cancer Surveillance among Survivors of Childhood Cancer at High Risk for Subsequent Colorectal Malignancies, Casey Leigh Daniel
Studies on Distracted Driving: Three Papers Examining the State of the Literature and the Impact of Texting Restrictions on Motor Vehicle Crash-Related Fatalities and Hospitalizations, Alva Oletia Ferdinand
Photothermal Desorption of Toluene from Single Walled Carbon Nanotube and Activated Carbon Sorbents, Evan Lee Floyd
Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment Outcomes in Zambia, Jennifer Harris
Interracial Couple Status In Relation To Birth Outcomes Among Singleton Infants Born To U.S. Resident Mothers, 2004-2008., Su Jin Jeong
Identification and Biochemical Investigations of Rhamnose and Glycoprotein in Mycoplasmas, David Jordan
The Impact of Weight Status on the Adoption of Self-care Behaviors among Heart Failure Patients, Bern'Nadette Knight
Apparent Change In Obesity-Mortality Associations: Methodological Issues In Survival Analyses With Censored Outcomes, Tapan Shirish Mehta
Uptake of antenatal care services and pregnancy outcome in Kumasi, Ghana, Asundep Ntui
High density genotyping for immunogenetic polymorphisms associated with transmission and control of HIV-1 infection in Zambian heterosexual serodiscordant couples, Heather Prentice
Spatial Analysis of Cardiovascular MRI Data, Samantha Seals
Host genetic factors associated with cervical human papillomavirus clearance, Staci Lynn Sudenga
Association between cruciferous vegetable intake and risk of colorectal cancer among men in Shanghai, China, Emily Vogtmann
Gender Norms, Sexual And Reproductive Behaviors And Acceptability Of Male Circumcision Among Men In Western Jamaica, Melonie Walcott
The Relationship Of Religiosity, Spirituality And High-Risk, Rev Tommie Lee Watkins Jr
A Study Of Multi-Group And Multivariate Tests Of Equivalence With Application To Microarray And, Celeste Yang
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Full scale calcium bromide injection with subsequent mercury oxidation and removal within wet flue gas desulphurization system: experience at a 700 MW coal-fired power facility, Mark Simpson Berry
The Role of CD11c+ Cells in Response to Ozone, Jeffrey David Brand
Centering Pregnancy and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome: An Evaluation of Group Prenatal Care in a Rural Western Kentucky Clinic, Lorie Wayne Chesnut
Social Connectedness And Its Association With Violence Commission In Adolescents Living In Low-Income Inner-City Neighborhoods, Thomas Norton Creger
Evaluation Of The Association Of Low-Level Prenatal Blood Lead Exposure And Auditory Brainstem Response Among Infants, Timothy A. Dignam
The Impact of the State Children's Health Insurance Program's Unborn Child Ruling on Foreign-Born Latina Prenatal Care Utilization and Birth Outcomes, 2000-2007, Jonathan Hawthorne Drewry
Distribution/Localization and Relative Quantitation of C-terminal αA-Crystallin Truncation Products within Lenses of ICR/f Rats Treated with Dietary Supplemented Genistein, Kyle Anthony Floyd
High-Risk Human Papillomavirus And Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Among Foreign-Born Latinas At Colposcopy, Bertha Hidalgo
The Use of Red Rules in Patient Safety Culture, Lisa Kaye Jones
Trajectories of depressive symptoms and illicit drug use: longitudinal temporal associations and comorbidity in a community sample of adults, Yulia Khodneva
Relationship between Religiosity, Violent Behavior and Gang Activity in Economically Disadvantaged Adolescents, David McKenzie