School of Public Health ETDs
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Access To And Service Utilization Of Alabama Medicaid'S Section 1115 Demonstration Waiver Program, Sarah Lee Bowler
Trends In Reported Sexual Behaviors Among Alabama High School Students From 2011-2021, Sarah Franklin
The Association Between Cardiovascular Disease Risk And Fractures In Postmenopausal Women, Rafeka Hossain
Utilization Of Romosozumab During Covid-19 Pandemic Among U.S. Medicare Beneficiaries, Ye Liu
Examining Anti-Racist Attitudes In Maternity Care Workers, Angelina Aduke Toluhi
Predictive Modeling Using Clinical Data And Compositional Microbiome Data, Li Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Social Determinants of Health and Blood Pressure Control in Black and White US Adults, Oluwasegun Philip Akinyelure
Temporal Trends in Tularemia Incidence In The United States From 2010 to 2020. Are Age And Sex Associated With These Changing Trends?, Carla V. Brooks
Socioeconomic Challenges Of Long Covid, Justin Catt
Antimicrobial Resistance In Type Ii Diabetic Patients In Southeastern U.S., Onyebuchi Angela Elegede
The Effect of Weather Events on Dengue Fever in Brazil 2014-2022, Maryclare Gabel
Acute Placental Inflammation and Growth Outcomes in Preterm Infants, Emily Gunawan
Navigating Missed Visits in HIV Primary Care: Exploring Risk Factors Associated with Missed Visits, Jiaying Hao
Social Vulnerability and Racial Disparities in Overall Survival Among Endometrial Cancer Patients, Alfonsus Adrian Hadikusumo Harsono
Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting and School Readiness in Alabama, Heather H. Johnson
Genetic and Epigenetic Risk Scores for Chronic Kidney Disease in African Americans, Alana C. Jones
Unintended pregnancy, postpartum contraception, and healthcare utilization among young married women affected by HIV in Kenya, Liza M. Kimbo
The Costly Performance of Strength: An Exploration of Mental Health Treatment Utilization Among Black Women in the Deep South, Amber N. Martin
Impact of Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Test on the Receipt of Antimalarials Among Children Aged 6-59 Months in Nigeria from 2010 to 2021, Sandra Chibuzor Olisakwe
Identifying the Factors Influencing HIV Testing and Safe Sex Practices: An Ecological Approach, Shekwonya Evelyn Samuel
Mediation Analysis Using Marginalized Zero-Inflated Poisson Model, Andrew Sims
The Impact Of Diabetes On At-Fault Motor Vehicle Collisions In Older Adults: Visual Function, Medication, And Crash Characteristics, Thomas A. Swain
Social Vulnerability and Trust Associated with African American Secondary Syphilis Cases reported in Alabama, United States, 2020-2022, Givanta Tribit
Perceptionf of Multipurpose Prevention Technologies Aimed at HIV/STI/Unintended Pregnancy Among African American Women in the Deep South, Kristina Wilbekin Walker
Neighborhood Disadvantage, Sleep Quality, And Shift Work: The Reasons For Geographic And Racial Differences In Stroke (Regards) Study, Rebecca Williams
The Genetic Epidemiology of Complex Lung Diseases, Ava Claire Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
The Association Between Metabolically Healthy Obesity and Coronary Heart Disease Among Regards Study Participants, Kiara N. Aaron
Socioeconomic Status, HBB, and TTR Variants, and Cardiorenal Outcomes: The Regards Study, Onika E. Abrams
Effects of COVID-19 on Ventilator Associated Events (VAEs) Due to Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms (MDROs), Jeffery Asiedu
Association Between Regional COVID-19 Vaccine hesitancy And Reported Positive COVID-19 Cases in the Southern United States, Orielle Caudle
Child Schooling and Other Factors Associated with COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Adults That Had Not Been Vaccinated in the Fall of 2021, Ryan M. Fischer
Spike-And-Slab Additive Models and Scalable Algorithms for High Dimensional Data Analysis, Boyi Guo
Intracerebral Hemorrhage Hospitalizations and Outcomes: Comparisons Between Institutional and National Data, Zhuobin Huang
The Association Between Paraquat Exposure and Parkinson's Disease Mortality: A County-Level Ecological Study in the United States, Alexander Kozuch
Regional Variations in the Incidence of Brain Glioma in Adults in Alabama, Mina Lobbous
Power and Sample Size Calculations for Linear Mixed Models of Longitudinal Data Using the Kenward-Roger Adjusted Wald Test, Tarrant Oliver McPherson
Guided Exploration of Military Servicewomen's Healthcare Experiences and Related Outcomes (GEMS HERO), Princess Victoria Jane Nash
Prolonged Prone Positioning for COVID-19-Induced Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Randomized Pilot Study, David Brian Page
Characterizing Occupational Status History and Assessing Occupational Status as a Social Determinant of Health in the Deceased Organ Donor Population, Nicole F. Pelletier
Adverse Childhood Experiences: Connecting the Dots Between Early Life Stress and Asthma Aming Children and Adolescents with Sickle Cell Disease, Brandi McClain Pernell
Development of a Fit-Matching App: Validation of 3-D Scanning Applications, Jasna Rosser-Williams